Directed by Jon Garaño, Aitor Arregi and Jose Mari Goenaga (Loreak, Handia), premiered at the 2019 San Sebastian International Film Festival, winning the Silver Shell for Best Direction and the Jury Prize for Best Screenplay.
The Endless Trench is a period drama about the men who had to spend years underground to hide from Francoist reprisals. Newlyweds Higinio (Antonio de la Torre) and Rosa (Belén Cuesta) face the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, which represents a threat to Higinio’s life. With the help of his wife, he decides to use a hole dug in their own home as a hiding place. The fear of potential retaliation, and the love they feel for each other, condemn the married couple to a 30-year confinement.
The Film Agency handled the social media promotion for La Claqueta PC, Irusoin and distributor eOne Spain from its San Sebastian premiere until its release.