Official Film Poster - Biennale College
  • Marketing tools


For the third year in a row, The Film Agency is leading the film marketing strategy of the Biennale College Cinema productions together with our partners Binalogue, Alquegui and The PR Factory. Biennale College fosters new talents, allowing them to develop and produce and launch international their films in a year time. Together we prepare a marketing kit including the official film poster, trailer, postcard and press dossier. Additionally, one of the key pieces of artwork are the iconographic or minimalist posters that we create every year. This mini-collection allows the films to gather additional creativities for social media and media partnerships exclusives, while it gives the Biennale College the possibility to build a “cult” brand year after year. In these three years we have already created the 10 iconographic posters below.



Official Film Poster - Biennale College
Official Film Poster - Biennale College

Baby Bump Iconographic Poster

Official Film Poster - Biennale College

Blanka Iconographic Poster

Official Film Poster - Biennale College

The Fits Iconographic Poster

Official Film Poster - Biennale College


Official Film Poster - Biennale College